
Additional coaches to Trains by Sambalpur Division
ECoR Sambalpur Division decided to add additional coaches to the important trains originating from Sambalpur.

Everyone Lakhpati by Farming in the village
Everyone is a Lakhpati in a village in Keonjhar by doing farming. Not only that, everyone in the village has their own concreted house.

Prohibitory orders clamped in Odisha’s Sambalpur town
Bar Council of India suspends license of 29 lawyers for 18 months after strike for establishment of permanent bench of Orissa HC had turned violent.

Lawyers continue cease-work stir, HC Bench
The demand for establishment of a permanent Bench of Orissa High Court in western Odisha mounted again with lawyers of Sambalpur district continuing cease-work agitation on Wednesday.

Student Suspended For Obscene Gestures For 6 Months
Taking a serious note of indecent behaviour on the camups, Sambalpur University authorities have suspended a student for six months for allegedly making obscene gestures to girls.

Joint grievance hearing of collector & SP at Redhakhol
Joint Grievance Hearing of Collector & SP Sambalpur along with service delivery camp was organized at Block office Redhakhol.

Shoot down at Kalinga Bar in Jharsuguda
Last night a Shoot down happened at premises of hotel Kalinga Bar in Jharsuguda. Arjurn Sahoo and his father Depak Sahoo started firing towards Chotu Syndhria.

Aluminium Park at Jharsuguda
India’s largest aluminium producer Vedanta Aluminium has joined hands with Odisha Industrial Infrastructure Development Corp (IDCO) to setup up an aluminium park near its flagship smelter at Jharsuguda.

DM & all staff saw the film Daman, Jharsuguda
DM & all staff saw the movie Daman in Shiva talkies. Jharsuguda DM, all the senior officials of the district, including the officials and employees of the health department, have seen the movie Daman in Jharsuguda’s Shiva multiplex.

Teacher’s war roar as protest in the capital Bhubaneswar
Teacher’s war roar as protest in the capital Bhubaneswar. Primary school teachers from different parts of Odisha staged a protest in Bhubaneswar on Sunday with their three-point charter of demands for the state government.